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Todd William Fredrick Hunter was born feet first December 3rd, 1965, to Ralph C. Hunter, Sr and Cindy Poteete-Hunter. He graduated from Akron Buchtel High school where he lettered in Football, Basketball and Track.


After graduating in 1984, he went on to the University of Akron to Run track and become a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity incorporated.

During that time, he became a father at the young age of 19. After flunking out of college he joined the Army National Guard in 1986 and returned to the University of Akron. While attending Akron U this time, he became a level II radiographer and industrial X-Ray Lab Technician for LumenX Corporation in Mogadore Ohio, until he was laid off in 1996. 

As a result, Todd decided to attend Omni technical school to become a managing cosmetologist. He worked as a master hairstylist and colorist for 24 years. During his time as a hairstylist he worked for Joico as a color educator. 


In 2005 after a bad breakup, Todd started writing poetry and making music to occupy his time.

In 2007, Todd decided to move to Chicago to pursue a music production degree at the Illinois Institute of Art-Schaumburg (ILIS). 


However, after being introduced to video-in an Audio & Video Production class, he decided to pursue a video degree instead. In 2011 He graduated with honors from ILIS with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production. 


Todd moved back to Ohio where he worked on the documentary "Unseen" about the serial killer Anthony Sowell. He also worked as a freelance photographer, a video editor, a hairstylist and a substitute teacher. His experience as a substitute teacher and love for helping others, led him to pursue a degree in school counseling where he graduated with honors from Capella University in 2018. He has worked as a special education Math teacher for two years and school counselor for three. 


Todd never lost his love of track and field, so when the opportunity to coach presented itself he gladly accepted the challenge. He started off as the hurdles coach in Cleveland. The next year he became the head coach of the boys and girls track teams where he began to build a very strong program. 


After his daughter’s tragic death in 2018 from a car accident.  He revisited writing and making music as a means to cope with the loss of his daughter. As a result, "WHO AM I" was born. 


Todd is currently working as a school counselor, as well as a girl’s sprint coach.

His 23 years as a hair stylist and 9 years in the education profession, provides him with firsthand experience in how relationships-negative or positive impact the lives of our children. Our children, who eventually become adults, who eventually have children of their own. Todd hopes that his writings will plant the seed that helps blot out the psychological damage that has been passed on from generation to generation.



May I be blessed so that I may be a blessing to all who cross my path...


May I put a smile on your face when you need it the most...


May I plant a seed of hope and food for thought and inspiration to those in need...


May I be clear in thought, concise in action, have a compelling spirit, committed to what's right and consistent in all that I do...


May I create value in me, as well as in you. May I become who I am...

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